We develop bespoke insights and strategies with our clients that help them to succeed.

Here’s one we developed with a neurodivergent business owner plagued by debilitating overwhelm.

Let’s start 🏁with some self-assessment.

What kind of overwhelm are you experiencing

What are the main drivers of it

Stimulation: Overstimulation


Thoughts: Cognitive Overwhelm


Feelings: Emotional Overwhelm


Tasks: To-Do List Overwhelm


Stuff: Clutter Overwhelm


Is it any of these or something different


OK now we have a clearer idea 💡 of the overwhelm let’s work out some strategies to help you deal with it.

What’s your answer to this ❓❓❓

If I had someone to do ✖️ for me in my business, my life would be Y % easier.


We’ll find you a skilled associate to help you ✔️


📃Make a list of what is important today and what can be left for later.

🔍Identify the top three priorities.

🪜 Break down the most challenging task into small steps.

🔟If a step takes less than 10 minutes, do it straight away, then tick it off.

📆 Calendars, wall planners, colour coded whiteboards, sticky notes and 📲apps like https://www.forestapp.cc/ can help focus 👓 and manage time effectively.

🚮 Reduce visual 🗞 clutter ✔️

🗣 Talk about your feelings and triggers with a friend, family member, health professional or counsellor. You are not alone.

🫂Be kind to yourself; overwhelm is a product of brain 🧠 function, not a personal failure.

🗓Schedule self-care 💓 listen to music, breathe, read, think, play, cook, exercise, whatever floats your boat


How do you manage overwhelm



#businessowner #business #stress #overwhelm #anxiety #mentalhealth #adhd #funding #support #supportlocal #networking





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