Knowing You helps 🧠 neurodivergent people to thrive 🌿


Our friendly, experienced team checks if you are eligible for an Access to Work grant to pay for practical support, specialist equipment, and help with travel expenses. 💷


We also explain 🗣 the process and support 💁‍♀️ you with your application.


You can book a call with them here.


Home – Knowing You – Your Access to Work Partner


Our support doesn’t stop there. We develop bespoke strategies with our clients that help them to succeed.


Here’s one we developed with an ADHD entrepreneur struggling to create a distraction-free work environment.


📃Make a list of the things that are distracting you.


🪜 Move or minimise🔎those.


🥄⚒🔎Only use the tools 👩‍💻you need for the job you are currently working 💪 on.


🎧 Block out distracting sounds with noise-cancelling headphones.


🚮 Reduce visual 🗞 clutter ✔️


🥁 Let co-workers know that you need some disturbance free time


🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️If feeling overwhelmed, take a break 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️


❓What does a distraction 🆓 space look like to you



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